
Nature can be calming. Immersing in the beauty of the world around us. Stretching ourselves further than we have before. Listening to the rhythms of the life around us, settling in, matching our breath, matching our speed. It slows us down, quiets our minds. I lived out in Oregon for a few months in the … Read moreNature

Invitation to Live

In Lloyd Douglas’ “Invitation to Live” he brought to life the idea that we have a responsibility to the lives around us. In the “Wrinkle in Time” series, Madeline L’Engle addresses the concept of naming. We bring to power the things that we think/say about other people. People tend to live up or down to … Read moreInvitation to Live

Escape the Mundane

So many of our days are the same. We get up eat breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, come home, make dinner, watch tv, go to bed. Rinse and repeat. If you have kids, add their schedules to the mix, and it’s exhausting. There never feels like there’s enough time in the day. It’s so … Read moreEscape the Mundane


Her heart was beating too fast. Her breathing was too quick and shallow. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t. The words just repeated themselves over and over in her mind. She made her way to the breakroom. Thankfully no one was there. She sat on the floor in the corner, hugging her knees to her … Read moreAnxiety